Frequently Asked Questions
Since there are 2 locations in 2 different states, please read each question carefully for the correct answer for your state.
In New Mexico, Be at least 21 years of age. Be a citizen of the United States or an alien lawfully admitted into the United States. Be a legal resident of the state.
In Kansas, Be at least 18 years of age. Be a citizen of the United States or an alien lawfully admitted into the United States. Be a legal resident of the state.
In New Mexico, there are a number of fees to include training provided by us at $134, fingerprint fees of $56, and application fees of $100. Fingerprint and Application fees are paid separately from the training we provide.
In Kansas, there is the cost of training provided by us at $85 and the fee paid to country sheriff’s office which is $32.50. There is no OAG application fee.
In New Mexico, an application to renew a CCW requires taking a 4 hours class. You can take the class up to 60 days prior and up to 60 days after expiration of your CCW license in NM. The application fee for renewal is $75.
In Kansas, the renewal is also every 4 years, but does not require any further class nor training. Renewal is done by going to a local Driver’s License station with a copy of the US Postal mailed renewal from from the AGO (attorney General’s Office).
The fee for a renewal of your New Mexico CCW license is $75.00.
The fee for a renewal of your Kansas CCHL license is zero.
In NM, you must take and pass a new 15-hour mandated training class and reapply with NM DPS.
In Kansas, you have 6 months after the expiration date to renew.
If you fail to renew within the time limits established by each state, you will need to get initial training and apply for a new license all over again.
In NM, report the stolen license with NM DPS and follow their steps to receive a new license.
In Kansas, contact the Concealed Carry Licensing Unit at (785) 291-3765.
In Kansas, the CCHL is valid in approximately 39 states. Please check the website for any updates on reciprocity.
The NM DPS issued CCW license is valid in approximately 30 states. See the NM DPS website for updated information on Reciprocity.
in New Mexico, Yes. There is a 4 year renewal course required for renewing a NM CCW license.
In Kansas, No, no additional training is required.
Each state is different so you will need to contact the controlling agency for more information on this. NM DPS CCU can be contacted at (505)-841-8053 or email NMCC.Questions@dps.nm.gov. Kansas Attorney General can be contacted at (785) 291-3765 or via email at their website https://www.ag.ks.gov/divisions/civil/licensing-inspections/concealed-carry-licensing/concealed-carry-licensing-contact-page/-fsiteid-1#!/
No. It is a concealed handgun license.
State statures on this vary with the location. Federal buildings have different rules compared to a private organization or private dwelling. The charges can range from a misdemeanor to a felony charge.
Yes; Any private property owner can declare a gun-free zone at any time.